Grammarly vs Slick Write - Which Writing Assistant is Better for Sentence Structure and Style Checks

March 14, 2022

Grammarly vs Slick Write - Which Writing Assistant is Better for Sentence Structure and Style Checks?

Are you bad at writing? Do you struggle with sentence structure and style? Are you worried that your writing might sound underwhelming to your readers? In today's tech-savvy world, there are plenty of writing assistants available that can help you with these concerns.

Two popular writing assistants that are widely used are Grammarly and Slick Write. Both the assistants are feature-packed and make writing easier, but which one should you choose? In this post, we are going to compare both tools and help you decide which writing assistant is better for sentence structure and style checks.


Grammarly is a popular writing assistant that checks your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. It uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to suggest changes that can make your writing more polished and error-free. You can use Grammarly on various platforms, including mobile and desktop devices. It has a user-friendly interface that can be easily used by people of all ages.


  • Checking grammar, punctuation, and spelling
  • Suggesting corrections and enhancements to sentence structure and style
  • Providing you with a readability score
  • Explaining grammar rules in detail
  • Identifying plagiarism


  • A broad range of features that improve your writing
  • The free version is good enough to start with
  • Integrates with popular browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Safari
  • Compatible with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook
  • Provides detailed explanations of grammar rules


  • The free version has limited features, and you need to upgrade to the premium version to use all features
  • The premium version can be expensive for some users

Slick Write

Slick Write is another writing assistant that provides you with free grammar and style analysis. It highlights errors in your writing and suggests improvements to enhance your sentence structure and style. You can use Slick Write with your web browser, and it is compatible with several mobile and desktop devices.


  • Providing you with feedback on sentence structure and style
  • Highlighting errors that can be corrected
  • Scoring your writing based on readability, flow, and word choice
  • Identifying passive voice, redundant phrases, and clichés


  • Provides a detailed analysis of your writing, including feedback on style, structure, and word choice
  • Free to use
  • Compatible with several devices


  • Requires an internet connection to work
  • Only highlights errors and doesn't make corrections
  • Not as comprehensive as Grammarly

Which one should you choose?

Both Grammarly and Slick Write are excellent writing assistants. Grammarly is a more comprehensive tool, whereas Slick Write is free to use and provides you with concise feedback. If you are looking for a free tool and don't need a comprehensive analysis, then Slick Write is sufficient. But if you are looking for an all-in-one package, then Grammarly is the best option.

Just remember, these tools are assistants and are not a replacement for your writing skills. They can help you polish your writing, but you still need to learn and practice to become a better writer.



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